Welcome to the Wayland Area Chamber of Commerce.

Promoting the community and its economy is vital to the chamber. The Wayland Area Chamber of Commerce is an independent, private, non-profit organization financed by its members to promote business and advocate on their behalf. It is not a government agency and is autonomous from the City of Wayland.

Home > Members Bkgrnd


Our members consist of over 200 local business owners. 

Home > Events Bkgrnd


The chamber holds several events each year including various types gatherings.

Events > Community Expo


Our members consist of over 200 local business owners. 

Ready to become a member?

Joining a chamber of commerce is a wonderful opportunity to join other business owners who do business in the area. Many of the members offer discounted services to other members who use their services and include other benefits.

Latest News

Wings Home selected as 2016 Annual Chamber Charity

April 1, 2016

Wings Home is a charitable 4-bedroom residential home for terminally ill individuals who need a place to live in comfort for the last phase of their life. This comfortable home located in Allegan was founded in 2008, incorporated in 2009 and hosted its first guest in 2010. The goal of the Wings Home is to provide … Read more

Wayland Union Schools Schedules Two Meetings to Discuss Casino Fund Usage

March 24, 2016

Wayland Union School district will be holding two public forums to discuss the use of casino funds on March 28 and April 21, 2016 from 6:00-6:30pm at the Wayland Administration building, 850 E Superior St in Wayland.

Gun Lake Tribe Visits Wayland Middle School

March 24, 2016

Gun Lake Tribe Visits Wayland Middle School Wayland Area Chamber of Commerce member Gun Lake Tribe recently visited Wayland Union Middle School to share their Native American culture and history with students. DK Sprague, Tribal Council Chairman, Frank Sprague, Jeff Martin and Heather Bush all took part in the presentation. They talked about the meaning of … Read more

Our Mission Statement: To promote business and provide services that enhance the economic growth of the Wayland area.