Welcome to the Wayland Area Chamber of Commerce.
Promoting the community and its economy is vital to the chamber. The Wayland Area Chamber of Commerce is an independent, private, non-profit organization financed by its members to promote business and advocate on their behalf. It is not a government agency and is autonomous from the City of Wayland.
Ready to become a member?
Joining a chamber of commerce is a wonderful opportunity to join other business owners who do business in the area. Many of the members offer discounted services to other members who use their services and include other benefits.
Latest News
Ribbon Cutting Held for Open Road Brewery
Ribbon Cutting Held for Open Road Brewery Congratulations to Open Road Brewery located in downtown Wayland! A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to commemorate the grand opening was held by the Wayland Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Chamber Ambassadors, City of Wayland, and DDA Board. ORB is Wayland’s first brewery offering several varieties of brew … Read more
Volunteer Call!
Looking for some fun volunteering? Are you a student who is looking for some volunteer hours? If so, Laurels of Sandy Creek’s Annual Car Show is coming up on Sunday, August 7th and they are in need of FACE PAINTERS from 1pm-3pm. If you are in need of volunteer hours or just like to volunteer, … Read more